Step 1: Apply for Admission / Re-Admission to Lane Community College
This requires that you have an email address.
If you don’t have one, Create a free personal email account first.
Step 2: Apply to the Energy Program of Your Choice
The application only takes about 10-15 minutes and gives us a better idea of the academic direction you’re headed.
All energy & water students are required to apply to the energy program in addition to applying to the college.
Step 3: Review Lane Community College’s New Student Resource webpage
Step 4: Apply for Financial Aid
Step 5: Complete the Math Prerequisite or
Schedule your Placement Testing
Energy Program are required to pass Math 95 within the first year.
Step 6: Setup a Meeting with the Energy Program
Send an email to Roger or stop by the offices – (4th floor in the Downtown Campus ) and request a meeting.
Lane has implemented a stringent email filtration system. If you don’t receive some kind of response within a week or two, follow up via phone to verify that the email was received.
Step 7: Attend New Student Academic Advising Session, either in person or online.
There are 2 days in June (17 & 18) for in person New Student Academic Advising or ONLINE Jun 3 to 11th for fall term.
Step 8: Register for Classes
Step 9: (optional) Visit a Student Advisor
An advisor can help create a customized education plan outlining exactly what you need to do in order to stay on track and graduate.