Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC)

One more very important Organization is the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC). IREC is managed by Executive Director Jane Weissman. Jane works tirelessly to make sure that the world is informed about the benefits of renewable energy, that if you need to know where in the states renewables are happening you can find out, if you are searching for a job you can fine one – all on the IEREC website.

NWEEI has had the privilege of working with Jane and IREC and can say, there isn’t a better run operation that provides more benefit to an industry than does IREC. With Jane in charge, it can’t help but be the best!!

IREC sponsors a conference on workforce development, usually in New York. So if you are interested in what is happening with the workforce development – where the jobs are, growth in the industry, etc – this is the conference for you.

ANSI/IREC Standard 14732 Energy Efficiency Accreditation
